Global city networks

Exploring the Global Network of Cities (GNOC)

Exploring the Global Network of Cities (GNOC)

The Global Network of Cities (GNOC) is an emerging concept that is revolutionizing the way cities interact and...

Understanding Canadian City Network (CCN)

Understanding Canadian City Network (CCN)

The Canadian City Network (CCN) is an important part of the national networks of global cities and is a key factor in...

Exploring the United States City Network (USCN)

Exploring the United States City Network (USCN)

The United States City Network (USCN) is an ever-expanding network of cities and towns that is transforming the way we...

Exploring the United Kingdom City Network (UKCN)

Exploring the United Kingdom City Network (UKCN)

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of city networks has become more pronounced. The United...

Exploring the Latin American City Network (LACN)

Exploring the Latin American City Network (LACN)

The Latin American City Network (LACN) is a regional network of global cities that has become increasingly important in...

Exploring the Global Cities Initiative (GCI)

Exploring the Global Cities Initiative (GCI)

The Global Cities Initiative (GCI) is an ambitious project that seeks to create a network of global cities that are...

Exploring the Asia Pacific Regional Network (APRN)

Exploring the Asia Pacific Regional Network (APRN)

As the world becomes more interconnected, regional networks of global cities have become increasingly important. The Asia ...

Exploring the European City Network (ECN): Connecting Global Cities

Exploring the European City Network (ECN): Connecting Global Cities

The European City Network (ECN) is an international network of cities that seeks to connect and empower cities across...

Exploring the World Bank City Network (WBCN): An Overview of an International Network of Global Cities

Exploring the World Bank City Network (WBCN): An Overview of an International Network of Global Cities

The World Bank City Network (WBCN) is an international network of global cities that works to promote global economic...